Hide the Groups on Facebook Public Profile

Hide Facebook Groups:

As we know Facebook makes us connected to lots of people around the World virtually . Groups , Pages and many more Games etc. where you can spend lots of time on the Facebook . But Privacy is also the main concern in these social networking or Public platforms . Many people peep into your Profile on Facebook and try to get information of you , some times Cyber criminals try to re create a duplicate account or Fake account and make some useless stuff and make your image down with your friends . So here we will provide how to hide the Facebook Groups in public profile .

Hide Groups in your Facebook Public Profile

>>> Create Facebook Group

>>>> Change Twitter Password

Learn how to hide your Facebook profile here where all the Groups you joined are made invisible in your Facebook public profile .

  •  Log in to your Facebook account
  • Open your Facebook Profile after you log in to your account
  • Then after you open your profile you will find the MORE with arrow down in your profile
  • Click on the MORE and you will find a drop down menu where you will find different options . At the end of the drop down menu you can find the Manage Sections .
  • Click on the Manage Sections and you will find different Sections like LIKE , GROUPS , PAGES etc…
  • To hide the Drop in the Public Profile click on the box (Tick in the box and if there is tick you can find it in the Public profile) .

Make Invisible your Groups in the Public Profile

Un check the Box before Group and Click on the SAVE and from now no one can see the Groups in the Public profile to your friends .

Feel free to comment on the How to Hide the Groups on Facebook Public Profile if you find any errors in disabling groups in public profile.