How to change Bluestacks Proxy Server | Network Settings on PC

How to Change Bluestacks Proxy Server Settings
Bluestacks is one of the best applications for the PC systems to install and run android apps on monitor.  It is one of the most used tool to use any android app on pc by the users.  The software firstly released in 2011.

How to Change | Configure Bluestacks Proxy Server Settings on PC

This virtual machine got much recognition and surpassed more than 100 million downloads by the end of 2015. The application is available in more than ten languages and you can also switch to your own languages if possible. You can download this application for free, but if you want to disable the ads and unwanted app downloads then you should purchase premium subscription. As we know that Bluestacks is not yet ready to support any proxy settings, but there was another way to setup Bluestacks proxy settings.
Also Read – Bluestacks Offline Installer | Download Bluestacks Offline Installer 

How to Change Bluestacks Proxy | Internet Settings on PC – Steps

> First you need to have good proxy maintenance software, we suggest you to download Proxycap tool to finish your job.
> Go to the official site of Proxycap and go to downloads page.
> Look at the PC requirements should be Windows XP or later and Mac, even you can have on your windows phone too.
> Start download process by choosing your type of system and it will take some to finish the installation.
> Launch the application and open it. Now, the real action starts.

How to Setup HTTP | HTTPS Proxy Server for Bluestacks

You need to start your operation by configuring it.
Firstly, open the proxycap application and click your right mouse button to see the options.
You will be seeing many option from the menu and go to proxies option which is located on the left side.
In those options, go to refer image button.
You just need to fill some details by typing your name and select which type you want whether HTTP or HTTPS and do enter the hostname and required port number as 8080.
Must Read: Top 5 Alternatives for Bluestacks

Add Routing Rules for HTTP | HTTPS Proxy

Go to the rules category which will be third option on the left column and you will be seeing with a new page with some options on your screen.
Follow the below steps if you want to

Setup | Configure rules HTTP proxy server

> Move to rules action option and select your type as HTTP server.
> Then, navigate to specify option in program section. Click on browse button and choose which file you want to upload on Bluestacks.
> Select HD-Network.exe which is network file and upload it.
> Then, enter the type 80 in the port field and give a display name for the specified rule in that section and complete the process by OK button.
Read > Download Bluestacks Android Emulator | Download Bluestacks

Follow the below steps if you want to

Setup | Configure rules for HTTPS proxy

> When you are selecting type of server, choose HTTPS.
> Then, type 443 in place of port number for HTTPS. Follow the same steps as above HTTP proxy.
> Choose a display name in the Rule name section and complete the process with OK option to finalize it.

We think you got what you need to setup | configure proxy server settings for Bluestacks. If you got any doubts or questions about this article, you can use comment box or contact form to communicate with us. Hope, you enjoyed our content in this article and do see the suggested articles on this website, if you are interested.