Windows Edge Browsers Features and How to use

Windows Edge Browser:

Right from the launch of Windows 10 Microsoft has been constantly improving its features. In the older versions of Windows Internet Explorer used to be called as dumbest web browser. Most of the users considers Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox as their favourite browsers. Keeping this in mind Microsoft has completely upgraded its Internet Explorer. In the initial days of development it is named as Project Spartan and later on it is changed to Microsoft Edge as it carries the branding of using letter E as logos in previous versions of Windows. Microsoft Edge comes pre-installed with Windows 10. Now in this post I am going how you can change your homepage with Windows 10 Edge and some tricks for customizing it.

Features of Windows Edge Browser

1) Importing Bookmarks from other browsers

When you move over to Windows 10 from windows 8 or 8.1 applications gets reverted back to their default settings. So in order to import bookmarks

>>> Create AOL account

Go to settings and then select Import favourites from other browser.
Select the browser from where you would like to import and click Import.
2) Setting up custom Home page

>>> Create Facebook Group
Go to Settings and click Open with
Then there are few options such as Start Page, New tab page, previous pages and a specific page.
Select Specific page and then choose Custom and set your favourite page. By using this whenever you launch Microsoft Edge then the custom page will be opened.

3) Customize your websites

In Google Chrome and other browsers you can use your specific websites as the top sites. This feature is also available to latest Edge browser
Head on to Settings and choose open new tabs
Now you can select any of these three options. Those are Top sites and my news feed, Top sites, a bank page
After selecting your required option then you can be able to see them whenever you open a new tab in the browser.
4) Keyboard Short-cuts

>>>chnge pinterest password

Keyboard short-cuts can helps us to do the work very much efficiently. So these are some of the short-cuts for Microsoft Edge

CTRL + / supposedly accesses the Omni bar, but we couldn’t reproduce this.

CTRL + Enter completes a website address with http:// and .COM if you only type the name, e.g.Facebook.

SHIFT + Enter adds .NETand…

CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER completes a .ORG address.

CTRL + 1 jumps to the first tab, CTRL + 2 to the second, and so on.

CTRL + G opens your Reading List.

CTRL + H opens the History.

CTRL + I opens your Favourite.

CTRL + D will let you add a new favourite.

CTRL + J opens your Downloads.

CTRL + K will clone the current tab.

CTRL + T opens a new tab.

CTRL + N opens a new window.
5) Change search engine

Edge browser uses Bing as the default search engine. However you can change this to Google.

Click on Advanced settings and select choose different search engine
Click on Add and then type in your favourite search engine.
Final Words

These are some of the best features of the latest Windows Edge browser. Keep visiting this website for more and more tricks on the Edge browser.